Citizen-Driven Environmental Reporting in War and Conflict Zones: Leveraging Visual Data and AI for Crisis Management

Monday, December 11;  1300 – 1500

In the disarray of war and conflict, the environmental impact often goes underreported, overshadowed by immediate human tragedies. Yet, environmental degradation can yield long-term consequences for local communities and ecosystems. This talk will delve into the innovative approach of utilising citizen-generated images and videos, captured through everyday smartphones, to document the environmental toll in war and conflict zones.

Citizens can record real-time visual data of natural habitats, polluted water bodies, and deforested areas, amongst other indicators. This visual information is then coupled with GPS coordinates and enhanced by aerial imagery to construct a comprehensive, geo-tagged dataset. Advanced AI algorithms are employed to perform visual identification and severity assessment of environmental damage.

This active dataset not only serves as a repository for global stakeholders to provide AI-driven analytical insights but also becomes a crucial tool for relief teams on the ground. With accurate, citizen-vetted information, relief organisations can better identify polluted water supplies, hazardous waste dumps, and other areas requiring immediate intervention, thereby optimising their efforts for maximum impact. The talk will highlight examples, demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, and discuss the potential for international collaboration in rolling out such citizen-centric environmental reporting systems.

Moderator: Gerard Cunningham, Director, EAGLES 2030 International


  • Dr. Viktor Karamushka, Head of the Department of Environmental Studies National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine.

  • Dr. Olena Maslyukivska, Visiting Researcher, Digital Economy, University of Vaasa, Finland.

  • Mr. Lee Mallon, CTO, developer, and technical advisor for AI and complex software, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

  • Mr. Matthew Pennells, Digital Transformation BD Manager, Esri, Dubai, UAE.

  • Ms. Patricia Cummens, Director of Government Strategy and Policy Solutions, Esri, UK.

  • Mr. Sean Breyer, Program Manager for ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, Esri, USA.

Theme:  Artificial Intelligence; War; Conflict, Environmental Damage; Citizen Science; Geospatial Data, GIS, Crisis Management; Environmental Assessment; Environmental Reporting.

Event Organizer /contact details:

EAGLES 2030 International; Gerard Cunningham, Director;